Kung Fu Pets Wiki

Okay here's an update on my town. I'm at rank 19, which happens to be the rank where you can get a second forest and Lightning booster, as well as the highly coveted Earth booster (and the Water booster, which has it's use). Here's what my town looks like now:

2014-12-18 20.29

You can see here I have 2 Lightning boosters and 2 leaf boosters. My Mini Me Dragon and Karate Dog are getting a whopping 80% income boost! Almost double what they'd normally get! I had 2.5 million before I bought all this stuff in the morning and it finally finished building the boosters. Beneath the forest boosters in that one corner, I'm going to buy a Fire Habitat and place the Elf Fox there as well as some Flower Frillzards for more income.

Anyway, that's just another update to my town. See you all next time when I reach level 20!
