Kung Fu Pets Wiki


Kung Fu Skill is the moves that Kung Fu Pets can learn.


Forest Forest

Exist Forest Kung Fu Skill is Thorns, Leaf Storm and Green Dragon.
Thorns Leaf Storm Green Dragon
Kung Fu Pets with Thorns move: Kung Fu Pets with Leaf Storm move: Kung Fu Pets with Green Dragon move:

Earth Earth

Exist Earth Kung Fu Skill is Rockslide, Sandstorm and Earthquake.
Rockslide Sandstorm Earthquake
Kung Fu Pets with Rockslide: Kung Fu Pets with Sandstorm move: Kung Fu Pets with Earthquake move:

Fire Fire

Exist Fire Kung Fu Skill is Magma Shower, Inferno and Nuclear.
Magma Shower Inferno Nuclear
Kung Fu Pets with Magma Shower move: Kung Fu Pets with Inferno move: Kung Fu Pets with Nuclear move:

Ice Ice

Exist Ice Kung Fu Skill is Hail, Ice Spikes and SubZero.
Hail Ice Spikes SubZero
Kung Fu Pets with Hail move: Kung Fu Pets with Ice Spikes move: Kung Fu Pets with SubZero move:

Lightning Lightning

Exist Lightning Kung Fu Skill is Lightning, Thunderstorm and Mjolnir.
Lightning Thunderstorm Mjolnir
Kung Fu Pets with Lightning move: Kung Fu Pets with Thunderstorm move: Kung Fu Pets with Mjolnir move:

Water Water

Exist Water Kung Fu Skill is Storm, Whirlpool and Tidal Wave.
Storm Whirlpool Tidal Wave
Kung Fu Pets with Storm move: Kung Fu Pets with Whirlpool move: Kung Fu Pets with Tidal Wave move:

Air Air

Exist Air Kung Fu Skill is Thick Fog, Wind Slash and Tornado.
Thick Fog Wind Slash Tornado
Kung Fu Pets with Thick Fog move: Kung Fu Pets with Wind Slash move: Kung Fu Pets with Tornado move:

Dark Dark

Exist Dark Kung Fu Skills are Veil of Darkness, Swift Strike and The Grim Reaper.
Veil of Darkness Swift Strike The Grim Reaper
Kung Fu Pets with Veil of Darkness move: Kung Fu Pets with Swift Strikes move: Kung Fu Pets with The Grim Reaper move:

Universe Universe

Exist Universe Kung Fu Skill is Shooting Star, Lunar Shower and Legendary Attack.
Shooting Star Lunar Shower Legendary Attack
Kung Fu Pets with Shooting Star move: Kung Fu Pets with Lunar Shower move: Kung Fu Pets with Legendary Attack move:

Infinite Infinite

Exist Infinite Kung Fu Skill is Mobius and Supernova.
Mobius Supernova
Kung Fu Pets with Mobius move: Kung Fu Pets with Supernova move:

Black Hole Black Hole

Black Hole
Exist Black Hole Kung Fu Skill is Gravity and Black Hole.
Gravity Black Hole
Kung Fu Pets with Gravity move: Kung Fu Pets with Black Hole move:

See also
