Kung Fu Pets Wiki


Weekly Mission Islands are event islands that take place every week. Players have 6 days to complete 3 sets of 3 missions in order to get a limited pet or gems. The Kung Fu Pets acquired through these islands can only be acquired via the islands. You also get prizes for each mission you complete along the way.

Weekly Events[]

Weekly Mission Islands are available to players who are level 12+.
Enter the Mission Island every week to test your luck! Get a special reward from the Lucky Orb and complete the weekly missions to get the exclusive Kung Fu Pet only available from the Mission Island!

After completing the first 9 missions and Stage One, the Lucky Orb will offer new prizes called a Secret Box. To open the Secret Box, players must complete 3 random missions. Please note that players do not all receive the same missions during this portion of the challenge.

After players complete all three missions, they will be given a lottery wheel that will automatically stop after awhile, giving a prize. It is completely random what prize players will receive.

The Secret Box can be opened more than once, as long as the player completes a new set of 3 missions. Complete more missions to get the prize you want!

Stage One[]

Complete the Missions for Special Rewards!

Deck 1 Deck 2 Deck 3
Collect the item given for free. (7 items)

There is a 3.5 hour wait time between Items.

Collect Gold and collect the item. (2500 items) Summon a Earth Kung Fu Pets and collect the item. (650 items)
Visit a Friend to find a Gift Box and collect the item. (40 items) Collect food and collect the item. (2000 items) Train Kung Fu Pets and collect the item. (1600 items)
Win a Kung Fu Master and collect the item.

Win 7 times. There is a 3 hour wait time between battles.

Beat the Invader on the field and collect the item. (7 invaders) Win the Social Battle and collect the item. (15 items)

Kung Fu Masters Information[]

Click [Expand] to open collapsed information.

  • n = Your Kung Fu Pet's level

First Master: Fire Cat (n -1 lvl)

  • Avoid:ForestIce (as major element)
  • Use:EarthWater

Second Master: Firework Raccoon (n 0 lvl)

  • Avoid:ForestIceEarthDark (as major element)
  • Use:Water

Third Masters: Boatman Salmon (n -3 lvl), Aloha Hippo (n -1 lvl)

Forth Masters: Electric Lion (n -2 lvl), Flower Frillzard (n -1 lvl)

Fifth Masters: Aloha Hippo (n -1 lvl), Cola Bear (n -1 lvl)

Sixth Masters: Pink Dolphin (n -3 lvl), Gladiator Horse (n -4 lvl), Dark Sabretooth (n -1 lvl)

Seventh Masters: Cranberry Rabbit (n -3 lv), Knife Hamster (n -4 lv), Greedy Dragon (n -2 lvl)

TIP: To beat the "Challenger on the Field" mission: look for present boxes floating over a pet in your village. Then drag a different pet to the "gift pet" to engage a spar. You will recieve the item regardless of victory.

Stage Two[]

No one know what's inside the Secret Box. Complete the extra missions to open the Secret Box for a hidden reward!

These are the possible missions that could appear in each position. Note that ANY of the missions in each deck can appear as one of the missions for that set.

  • Deck 1 Possibilities:
    • Collect Gold to collect prizes
    • Collect Food to collect prizes
    • Feed Pets to collect prizes
    • Collect 5 Items.
  • Deck 2 Possibilities:
    • Hatch Kung Fu Pets to collect prizes
    • Train your pet at the gym
    • Send gifts to friends and collect the item.
    • Summon Kung Fu Pets and collect the item.
  • Deck 3 Possibilities:
    • Complete Challenges to collect prizes
    • Complete 7 Social Battles to collect prizes
    • Complete the Detective Mission and collect the item.
    • Beat the invader on the field and collect the item.

Stage One[]

Complete the Missions for Special Rewards!

Deck 1 Deck 2 Deck 3
Collect the item given for free. (7 items)

There is a 3.5 hour wait time between Items.

Beat the challenger on the field and collect the item. (25 items) Complete the Detective Mission and collect the item. (240 items)
Collect Gold and collect the item. (2500 items) Beat the Invader on the field and collect the item. (7 invaders) Summon a Water Kung Fu Pets and collect the item. (650 items)
Collect food and collect the item. (2000 items) Win the Social Battle and collect the item. (15 items) Train Kung Fu Pets and collect the item. (1600 items)

TIP: To beat the "Challenger on the Field" mission: look for present boxes floating over a pet in your village. Then drag a different pet to the "gift pet" to engage a spar. You will recieve the item regardless of victory.

Stage Two[]

No one know what's inside the Secret Box. Complete the extra missions to open the Secret Box for a hidden reward!

These are the possible missions that could appear in each position. Note that ANY of the missions in each deck can appear as one of the missions for that set.

  • Deck 1 Possibilities:
    • Collect Gold to collect prizes
    • Collect Food to collect prizes
    • Feed Pets to collect prizes
    • Collect 5 Items.
  • Deck 2 Possibilities:
    • Hatch Kung Fu Pets to collect prizes
    • Train your pet at the gym
    • Send gifts to friends and collect the item.
    • Summon Kung Fu Pets and collect the item.
  • Deck 3 Possibilities:
    • Complete Challenges to collect prizes
    • Complete 7 Social Battles to collect prizes
    • Complete the Detective Mission and collect the item.
    • Beat the invader on the field and collect the item.

Stage One[]

Complete the Missions for Special Rewards!

Deck 1 Deck 2 Deck 3
Collect the item given for free. (8 items)

There is a 3 hour wait time between Items.

Use Gold to get rid of the obstacles. (7600000 items) Summon a Fire Kung Fu Pet and collect the item. (650 items)
Visit a Friend to find a Gift Box and collect the item. (40 items) Collect food and collect the item. (2100 items) Feed Kung Fu Pets and collect the item. (500 items)
Beat the challenger on the field and collect the item. (25 items) Beat the Invader on the field and collect the item. (7 invaders) Win the Social Battle and collect the item. (15 items)

TIP: To beat the "Challenger on the Field" mission: look for present boxes floating over a pet in your village. Then drag a different pet to the "gift pet" to engage a spar. You will recieve the item regardless of victory.

Stage Two[]

No one know what's inside the Secret Box. Complete the extra missions to open the Secret Box for a hidden reward!

These are the possible missions that could appear in each position. Note that ANY of the missions in each deck can appear as one of the missions for that set.

  • Deck 1 Possibilities:
    • Collect Gold to collect prizes
    • Collect Food to collect prizes
    • Feed Pets to collect prizes
    • Collect 5 Items.
  • Deck 2 Possibilities:
    • Hatch Kung Fu Pets to collect prizes
    • Train your pet at the gym
    • Send gifts to friends and collect the item.
    • Summon Kung Fu Pets and collect the item.
  • Deck 3 Possibilities:
    • Complete Challenges to collect prizes
    • Complete 7 Social Battles to collect prizes
    • Complete the Detective Mission and collect the item.
    • Beat the invader on the field and collect the item.

Stage One[]

Complete the Missions for Special Rewards!

Deck 1 Deck 2 Deck 3
Collect Gold and collect the items. (2500 items) Collect food and collect the item. (1500 items) Feed Kung Fu Pets and collect the item. (320)
Visit a Friend to find a Gift Box and collect the item. (40 items) Beat the challenger on the field and collect the item. (20 items) Beat the Invader on the field and collect the item. (5 invaders)
Summon a Wind Kung Fu Pet and collect the item. (550 items) Train Kung Fu Pets and collect the item. (1500 items) Win the Social Battle and collect the item. (15 items)

TIP: To beat the "Challenger on the Field" mission: look for present boxes floating over a pet in your village. Then drag a different pet to the "gift pet" to engage a spar. You will recieve the item regardless of victory.

Stage Two[]

No one know what's inside the Secret Box. Complete the extra missions to open the Secret Box for a hidden reward!

These are the possible missions that could appear in each position. Note that ANY of the missions in each deck can appear as one of the missions for that set.

  • Deck 1 Possibilities:
    • Collect Gold to collect prizes
    • Collect Food to collect prizes
    • Feed Pets to collect prizes
    • Collect 5 Items.
  • Deck 2 Possibilities:
    • Hatch Kung Fu Pets to collect prizes
    • Train your pet at the gym
    • Send gifts to friends and collect the item.
    • Summon Kung Fu Pets and collect the item.
  • Deck 3 Possibilities:
    • Complete Challenges to collect prizes
    • Complete 7 Social Battles to collect prizes
    • Complete the Detective Mission and collect the item.
    • Beat the invader on the field and collect the item.

Stage One[]

Complete the Missions for Special Rewards!

Deck 1 Deck 2 Deck 3
Collect the item given for free. (5 items)

There is a 4 hour wait time between Items.

Collect Gold and collect the items. (2000 items) Summon a Earth Kung Fu Pet and collect the item. (350 items)

Note: Pets must be summoned after the mission starts to receive the items.

Send gifts to friends and find the item. (50 items) Collect food and collect the item. (1500 items) Feed Kung Fu Pets and collect the item. (500 items)
Complete Detective Mission and collect the item. (200 items) Train Kung Fu Pets and collect the item. (1200 items) Win the Social Battle and collect the item. (7 items)

TIP: To beat the "Challenger on the Field" mission: look for present boxes floating over a pet in your village. Then drag a different pet to the "gift pet" to engage a spar. You will recieve the item regardless of victory.

Stage Two[]

No one know what's inside the Secret Box. Complete the extra missions to open the Secret Box for a hidden reward!

These are the possible missions that could appear in each position. Note that ANY of the missions in each deck can appear as one of the missions for that set.

  • Deck 1 Possibilities:
    • Collect Gold to collect prizes
    • Collect Food to collect prizes
    • Feed Pets to collect prizes
    • Collect 5 Items.
  • Deck 2 Possibilities:
    • Hatch Kung Fu Pets to collect prizes
    • Train your pet at the gym
    • Send gifts to friends and collect the item.
    • Summon Kung Fu Pets and collect the item.
  • Deck 3 Possibilities:
    • Complete Challenges to collect prizes
    • Complete 7 Social Battles to collect prizes
    • Complete the Detective Mission and collect the item.
    • Beat the invader on the field and collect the item.

Stage One[]

Complete the Missions for Special Rewards!

Deck 1 Deck 2 Deck 3
Collect the item given for free. (5 items)

There is a 4 hour wait time between Items.

Collect Gold and collect the items. (2000 items) Summon a Water Kung Fu Pet and collect the item. (350 items)

Note: Pets must be summoned after the mission starts to receive the items.

Visit a Friend to find a Gift Box and collect the item. (20 items) Collect food and collect the item. (1500 items) Train Kung Fu Pets and collect the item. (1200 items)
Previously: Invite a friend to Kung Fu Pets and collect the item. (30 items)

CURRENTLY: Send gifts to friends and collect the item. (50 items)

This mission was changed after one day due to player complaints. The developers sent 5 Gems to all players who completed the previous version of the mission.

Beat the invader on the field and collect the item. (5 items) Win the Social Battle and collect the item. (7 items)

TIP: To beat the "Challenger on the Field" mission: look for present boxes floating over a pet in your village. Then drag a different pet to the "gift pet" to engage a spar. You will recieve the item regardless of victory.

Stage Two[]

No one know what's inside the Secret Box. Complete the extra missions to open the Secret Box for a hidden reward!

These are the possible missions that could appear in each position. Note that ANY of the missions in each deck can appear as one of the missions for that set.

  • Deck 1 Possibilities:
    • Collect Gold to collect prizes
    • Collect Food to collect prizes
    • Feed Pets to collect prizes
    • Collect 5 Items.
  • Deck 2 Possibilities:
    • Hatch Kung Fu Pets to collect prizes
    • Train your pet at the gym
    • Send gifts to friends and collect the item.
  • Deck 3 Possibilities:
    • Complete Challenges to collect prizes
    • Complete 7 Social Battles to collect prizes
    • Complete the Detective Mission and collect the item.
    • Beat the invader on the field and collect the item.

Stage One[]

Complete the Missions for Special Rewards!


  • 3 Gems

Deck 1 Deck 2 Deck 3
Collect Gold and collect the item. (2000 items) Beat the challenger on the field and collect the item. (20 items) Summon a Fire Kung Fu Pet and collect the item. (350 items)
Collect Food and collect the item. (2000 items) Beat the Invader on the field and collect the item. (5 items) Train Kung Fu Pets and collect the item. (1200 items)
Feed Kung Fu Pets and collect the item. (500 items) Win the Social Battle and collect the item. (7 items) Complete the Detective Mission and collect the item. (200 items)

TIP: To beat the "Challenger on the Field" mission: look for present boxes floating over a pet in your village. Then drag a different pet to the "gift pet" to engage a spar. You will recieve the item regardless of victory.

Stage Two[]

No one know what's inside the Secret Box. Complete the extra missions to open the Secret Box for a hidden reward!

These are the possible missions that could appear in each position. Note that ANY of the missions in each deck can appear as one of the missions for that set.

  • Deck 1 Possibilities:
    • Collect Gold to collect prizes
    • Collect Food to collect prizes
    • Feed Pets to collect prizes
    • Collect 5 Items.
  • Deck 2 Possibilities:
    • Hatch Kung Fu Pets to collect prizes
    • Train your pet at the gym
    • Send gifts to friends and collect the item.
  • Deck 3 Possibilities:
    • Complete Challenges to collect prizes
    • Complete 7 Social Battles to collect prizes
    • Complete the Detective Mission and collect the item.
    • Beat the invader on the field and collect the item. (7 items)

Stage One[]

Complete the Missions for Special Rewards!


  • 3 Gems

Deck 1 Deck 2 Deck 3
Collect the Item Given for Free

Collect 5 Items. There is a 4 hour wait time between Items.

Collect Gold and collect the item. (2000 items. 600 Gold = 1 item) Summon Forest Kung Fu Pets and collect the item. (350 items)
Visit a friend's village and find the item. (50 items) Collect Food from the Bistro to collect the item. (1500 items) Feed Kung Fu Pets and collect the item. (500 items)
Beat the challenger on the field and collect the item. (20 items) Beat the Invader on the field and collect the item. (5 invaders) Win the Social Battle and collect the item. (7 items)

TIP: To beat the "Challenger on the Field" mission: look for present boxes floating over a pet in your village. Then drag a different pet to the "gift pet" to engage a spar. You will recieve the item regardless of victory.

Stage Two[]

No one know what's inside the Secret Box. Complete the extra missions to open the Secret Box for a hidden reward!

These are the possible missions that could appear in each position. Note that ANY of the missions in each deck can appear as one of the missions for that set.

  • Deck 1 Possibilities:
    • Collect Gold to collect prizes
    • Collect Food to collect prizes
    • Feed Pets to collect prizes
  • Deck 2 Possibilities:
    • Hatch Kung Fu Pets to collect prizes
    • Train your pet at the gym
  • Deck 3 Possibilities:
    • Complete Challenges to collect prizes
    • Complete 7 Social Battles to collect prizes
